
Advisory board expanded: André Klose is the new advisory board member of the digital agency dotSource

5 February 2020

Press Release

In addition to the know-how of its established advisory board members, the digital agency dotSource now also relies on the consulting expertise and experience of André Klose, former ClientHouse co-founder and managing director at Accenture, to build on the successes of recent months.

Since 2016, the dotSource management has been working together with an advisory board which previously consisted of four members. This advisory board serves the dotSource management as a discussion partner whose expertise the digital agency can draw on in both operational and strategic business issues. Since the beginning of the year, the self-employed business consultant André Klose is also part of the advisory board.

Because of his international experience in setting up an e-commerce consulting firm, for example in San Francisco and Hong Kong, Klose and his business partner at ClientHouse GmbH were among the first ones in Europe to rely on cloud computing and back in 2004 and successfully guided international companies through the digital transformation. After over 300 projects in more than 60 countries, ClientHouse was acquired by Accenture GmbH, where Klose worked as managing director and innovation leader from 2014 to 2016, committing himself to the expansion of consulting in the DACH area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).

Klose is an experienced entrepreneur, self-employed managing director and management consultant for digital transformation. With his consulting firm CloudPirat, the graduate business economist and computer scientist now helps companies grow and steers start-ups towards becoming attractive and well-structured brands. »For me, dotSource is a relatively ‘young business’ that has already achieved a lot and can inspire others,« Klose remarks. »The key to success lies in its international orientation, innovative strength and customer orientation, and I am looking forward to supporting the team in this endeavour.«

Today Klose lives in Jena, is father of three children and a passionate sailor. He is committed to a united Europe and more privacy and data protection on the Internet.


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