Press Release
Digital intellect is not a question of location, but a question of attitude. While trade fair and conference organisers from all industries are cancelling their events one after another, dotSource announces today that the Handelskraft Conference 2020 will take place on the 19th of March – not in Stuttgart, but online.
Digital business is people business – the digital agency dotSource, organiser of the Handelskraft Conference, has been promoting this claim since its foundation in 2006 and – in view of the current circumstances – has made the decision to keep employees, clients, partners, speakers and participants fit in two ways: this year’s »conference for digital success« will not take place face-to-face in Stuttgart, but make its online debut.
Handelskraft Conference online edition: agile, flexible, virus-free
The spread of COVID-19 continues, more and more infected people are registered worldwide. As a result of exhibitor cancellations, travel bans and many other issues, organisers find themselves forced to postpone or completely cancel trade fairs, conferences and events of all kinds. The consequences of this virus wave affect companies and entire industries worldwide. If possible, they look for alternatives to keep the extent of the damage as low as possible.
dotSource was also looking for such an alternative with regard to the organisation of the Handelskraft Conference 2020. After discussing the pros and cons in detail, it was decided not to cancel the originally planned conference altogether, but to change the channel of the event from analogue to digital – a change that has written (success) stories in many respects over the past decades. In 2020, the Handelskraft Conference, the conference for digital success, conveys »digital intellect« to all participants on completely digital channels.
Same content, no travel expenses and beneficial to health
With the online edition of the Handelskraft Conference, dotSource wants to make the best out of the current circumstances and not make the successful digital transformation of open-minded companies dependent on a virus. In terms of keynotes, sessions and speakers, nothing has changed in the new format. There are only updates regarding the supporting programme and the agenda, which can be found on the following website: www.konferenz.handelskraft.de
»We see it as a unique opportunity to organise our conference as an online edition this year. Our event team is currently working extremely hard to make sure that the conference will take place online in all its facets on the 19th of March as originally planned. We are at least as excited to see how successful this manoeuvre will be in view of the very short time available. We would like to take the opportunity to thank our sponsors commercetools, Stibo and Magnolia, our speakers and everyone else involved for their understanding and are really looking forward to welcoming everyone online,« Christian Grötsch, managing director at dotSource, says.
The decision to hold an online conference was not only made in the interest of the health of all participants, but also has other positive effects: the conference can be attended from the comfort of the office or home office, participants are not disrupted from their everyday (business) life because modular participation is possible, and no travel costs and expenses arise, which ultimately not only saves money, but also benefits the environment.