What are the Heads of E-Commerces' Tasks?
A few years ago, digital transformation was primarily about introducing digital marketing and distribution channels parallel to an existing (analogue) business model. Today, it means aligning an entire corporate strategy and organisation internally and externally to a changing digital world.
To keep up with online giants like Amazon, e-tailers today have to go new and innovative ways to meet the customer directly during their shopping activity.
One way is the real-time personalisation of offers. This requires customer data, based on which retailers build up a loyal customer base.
In Q4 2018, WBR Insights, dotSource, Looker Data Sciences Inc, and Algolia asked 100 e-commerce executives from Germany and Europe about the challenges they're currently facing and their innovative solutions.
- Part One: Automating eCommerce
- Part Two: Aligning Data in Real-Time
- Part Three: Utilising Marketplaces
- Part Four: Driving Decisions with Data
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