About KWS
In more than 70 countries, KWS sees itself as a reliable partner to farmers. The company, which is listed on the stock exchange, is one of the world's largest seed producers, breeds plants and sells seeds for sugarbeet, corn, cereals and vegetables.
More than 160 years ago, the independently managed company was founded in Klein Wanzleben.
KWS has 87 subsidiaries and associated companies worldwide and currently employs around 5,000 people.
For generations, high-yield seeds and extensive knowledge have distinguished the agricultural company as a trustworthy partner. This way, KWS contributes to finding solutions for feeding the world's population.

INDUSTRY | Plant Breeding and Seed Production |
PROJECT PERIOD | November 2019 – June 2020 |
TECHNOLOGY | Salesforce B2B Commerce |

Better User Experience Thanks to Uniform Look & Feel
KWS approached dotSource with the request to combine the existing online shop with the company's service portal. Information, smart farming tools and visualised data were to be linked to the corresponding offers in the shop at any time and on any device.
The double login to the service platform »myKWS« and the online shop, which had previously been necessary, was to be eliminated in order to create a better user experience. The navigation structure and the design of both systems were to be merged to achieve seamless integration.
For the implementation of the project, KWS and the dotSource experts decided to adopt an MVP approach, allowing them to quickly launch basic functionalities and expand the systems with additional features and design elements later on.
To achieve this, the shop migration project was incorporated into the seed producer's overall digital strategy before starting with the »Sugarbeet« business unit on the German market.
Within a few months, the basis for further rollouts of other business units and international subsidiaries was thus created.
Success & Added Value
Because the shop and the service portal are closely intertwined, users barely notice any difference when switching between these two systems. This allows the seed producer to directly link its content, additional services and smart farming tools to the corresponding products in the shop. In addition, the relaunch of the shop enables KWS to
- carry out further rollouts with little development effort
- address customers in a targeted and personalised manner
- gain real-time marketing insights
Other Projects We Have Already Implemented for KWS
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