
PIM System for Cornelsen

Ensuring an Ideal Customer Experience in a Data-Driven Way

»New PIM System for Cornelsen« Success Story

Find out how Cornelsen sets the course for future-proof cross-media business with its new PIM system from Contentserv.

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About Cornelsen

Cornelsen has stood for successful learning and outstanding quality for more than 70 years. In 1946, Franz Cornelsen founded the publishing house that has significantly shaped the German educational landscape ever since.

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH is part of the Cornelsen Group and is one of the leading publishing houses for educational media in Germany. It creates and sells educational offers for teachers, pupils and adults. The publishing house’s product range encompasses school books, specialist literature, further education seminars, multimedia software and e-learning offerings.


Cornelsen Verlag GmbH


Media & Publishing




Implementation of a PIM System


April 2019 – June 2020


Contentserv Enterprise Edition CS 19

Product Data Management as a Challenge

Cornelsen Verlag GmbH offers a wide range of educational literature – and does so across all media. In order to make the user experience even better for all user groups, Cornelsen set itself the next milestone in its already exemplary digitisation strategy: displaying individually tailored products in the right format, on the right channel and at the right time.

As a modern, future-oriented school book publishing house, Cornelsen was already using a PIM system for this purpose. The company now faced the challenge of renewing its PIM system in order to flexibly support digital business models as well.

From Manual Maintenance to Automated Data Management

In order to achieve the set goal, some complex interrelationships had to be taken into account. The software also had to be able to map these challenges. However, the PIM system that had been used up to that point was only able to do this with a high manual maintenance effort that had to be repeated several times. The consequences of these processes were inconsistent data and correspondingly high costs.

For this reason, and because the support for the old system was about to expire, Cornelsen made the decision to use another PIM system. After a comprehensive comparison of providers, it was decided to use Contentserv's solution. With dotSource, the right implementation partner was found just as quickly. Cornelsen has already been relying on the Jena digital agency for several years. After the successful relaunch of the platform, the PIM system was implemented.

Concrete goals that were linked to the implementation of the PIM system:

  • Creation of a data model with an efficient inheritance structure to reduce the manual effort and avoid data duplication
  • Connection of the SAP ERP system
  • Connection of the asset management software

Cornelsen Sets the Course for Future-Proof Data-Driven Business with the PIM System from Contentserv

With an overall harmonised and integrative IT infrastructure, Cornelsen Verlag GmbH has laid the foundation for successful further development and is now able to integrate additional solutions such as a digital asset management system that enables rights management.

Furthermore, the new PIM system offers the following added values:

  • Allocation of products to market segments (federal states, types of schools and subjects)
  • Assignment of business partners (e.g. authors)
  • Development of publishing channels with efficient filling
  • Programming for the automatic calculation of price attributes
  • Import of assets and connection to products
  • Print integration
  • Establishment of workflows and creation of dashboards

What Our Clients Say

Cornelsen stands for quality and reliability. We aim to live up to this perception in a cross-media, multi-channel customer landscape. By implementing the new PIM system, dotSource has once again helped us to reach our goal.

Matthias Teschner, Head of Marketing and Sales, Cornelsen Verlag GmbH

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Marcus Wagner

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 711 2527 6950