PIM Best Practices: Getting off to an Ideal Start with Perfectly Synchronised Processes
In our new »Best Practices« publication, we want to present informative cases to illustrate what PIM systems can do and how they have benefitted various companies that have implemented them – reducing theoretical concepts to the bare essentials and focusing on practical examples from successful projects.
After all, intelligent product information management (PIM) is the key to successful sales in many sectors. Customers want to know as precisely as possible what distinguishes the product they are thinking of buying. Today, customers primarily inform themselves online – both in B2B and B2C. However, even when a company is in personal contact with customers, concise and readily available data about a product is an absolute must.
A PIM software helps to have this data at hand: it immediately distributes correct, complete and high-quality product data consistently across all channels. It also ensures data quality: a modern PIM system identifies duplicates and a golden record can be created in which each record also has real added value.
PIM Best Practices – What You Can Expect from the Publication
The best practices from the field of PIM show that the implementation or modernisation of a PIM system is a key component of a future-oriented e-commerce strategy.
You can also find out in our »PIM Best Practices« publication:
- What advantages efficient product information management offers
- How successful companies benefit from using a PIM system
- What advantages the PIM & MDM system Stibo Systems »STEP« offers for Analytik Jena
- How Sonderpreis Baumarkt launched the world's first Akeneo Onboarder project
- How Cornelsen astonishes the publishing industry with a modern PIM system
- How HDM created a golden record in record time using Stibo Systems »STEP«
- How you can get off to an ideal start with perfectly synchronised processes as well
Want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!