
Berge & Meer Touristik GmbH

Optimised Customer Service in the Tourism Industry

About Berge & Meer

Berge & Meer has been making travel dreams come true for more than four decades. Regardless of whether wanderlust draws travellers to the tropical south or the far north: the company from Rhineland-Palatinate, which has around 350 employees, is driven by and committed to offering extraordinary travel experiences. Excellent customer service is of particular importance here.

Project Successes

Perfect Customer Relationship Management

The best possible service and personalised marketing require the right software: Berge & Meer opted for Salesforce. The new CRM system serves as a central data source for data on travellers and all stakeholders, such as local service partners at the holiday destinations. This provides the 360-degree view that makes fantastic travel experiences possible.

Award-Winning Marketing Automation

Targeted customer communication is crucial in the tourism industry – on all channels. By implementing Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Berge & Meer's e-mail communication was optimised even further. Precise marketing automation campaigns can now be planned and rolled out in a time-saving manner to further improve the customer experience. The success is something to be proud of: in the independent »E-Mail-Marketing Benchmarks 2021« study, Berge & Meer ranked first in the e-mail marketing category.

Optimised Customer Journey

Thanks to a solid data basis that can be accessed by all employees at any time, Berge & Meer can now optimally manage its services and marketing activities. A preference centre optimises the personalised customer approach. Together with Berge & Meer, dotSource also implemented a modern voucher journey for customers and simplified communication, for example when cancelling a tour.

What Our Clients Say

We really learned to appreciate the close cooperation with a brilliant team! The proposed solutions were excellent every time and the communication channels were direct, fast and unbureaucratic. dotSource really helped us to implement Salesforce Service Cloud and Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

Alexander Ramseger, Head of Business Applications, Berge & Meer Touristik GmbH
You Too Can Benefit from Modern Customer Relationship Management & Marketing Automation
  • Solid data basis that can be accessed at any time
  • 360-degree view of the customer
  • Personalised customer approach and offers
  • Targeted marketing measures
  • Simplified and more efficient communication channels
  • Award-winning e-mail marketing campaigns


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Want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Thomas Loppar

Thomas Loppar

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9032