
»Digitalisation in Agriculture« Best Practices

We demonstrate how companies in the agricultural industry can benefit from digital technologies and set themselves up for the future.

Digitalisation in Agriculture: An Overview

BI-Systems support the agricultural companies

Intelligently Manage and Use Data

Correct data handling is essential – also in agricultural business. The agricultural potential of big data can be leveraged to make well-founded business decisions. For example, a business intelligence system can support agricultural companies in their long-term planning.

Multi-Client Platform and CRM System

Provide a Modern Shopping Experience

Nowadays, farmers expect the same convenience and service orientation from specialist retailers as they do in their private lives. This includes a powerful online presence with personalised offers. A modern multi-client platform and a powerful customer relationship management (CRM) system can help with this.

A/B Testing and UX Redesign for Enhanced Customer Experience

User-Friendly and Target-Group-Oriented

In the agricultural industry, like any other, it is essential to meet the needs of your specific target audience. For example, extensive A/B testing and a UX redesign can lead to improved customer experiences with personalised offers.

»Digitalisation in Agriculture« Best Practices – What You Can Expect from the Publication

In these best practice insights, we take a look at selected success stories to show how companies from the agricultural industry can future-proof their digital business with modern solutions.

You can also find out in our »Digitalisation in Agriculture Best Practices« publication

  • why digitalisation in the agricultural industry is no longer a nice-to-have, but a must-have
  • what synergies myAGRAR can utilise between its Salesforce CRM and marketing automation systems
  • how ATR Landhandel succeeded in entering international online business with a modern multi-client platform
  • how KWS benefits from the use of Microsoft Power BI
  • how BayWa ensures maximum data security with modern cloud hosting via plusserver
  • what role extensive A/B testing plays in the user experience optimisation of myAGRAR

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Do you want to learn more? I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Christian Onnasch

Christian Onnasch

Account Executive

Digital Business

+49 3641 797 9027